Long before blogs – a postscript


Well, I posted the journal entries for my 10 day 1998 trip to Taiwan, and, not too surprisingly, they now reside at the very beginning of my blog database, and can only be seen by looking back at the archive for May 1998.

As far as I can tell, they don’t even show up in the RSS feeds.

In a way, it was like a re-release of a movie. I got to correct a few spelling and grammatical errors. I went back to the source photo negatives, scanned them and touched them up in photoshop.

On certain entries, I made some new commentary. There were certainly things I didn’t know and just plain got wrong. While I did not use this opportunity to re-write history, I did make some comments about how my perceptions have changed in the last 8 years.

Update:I guess the least I could do is provide a link to the first installment. …and that link is here.

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