Life – In General

Life is a series of vignettes. Some longer than others. At times they may feel like they’ll never end, and when they do, you know they’ll never come back and you might feel a little maudlin.

And so a new vignette begins. Since 2002, just before Michelle was born, Irene has been a stay-at-home mother. We both felt that these early childhood development years are too important to entrust to day care. It hasn’t been easy, financially. I can easily understand how others may not have that option although it is often a question of lifestyle choices.

James is now three and has been attending a summer pre-school as a trial run. Starting next month, he, like Michelle, will be in school full-time. Next week, Irene goes back to work as a kindergarten teacher. It’s a good job. The hours are good, it’s near our house and near the kids’ school. Most importantly, we’ll be able to begin reversing the direction on our debt.

Still, my kids are getting bigger. Some days I think they can’t mature fast enough. Other days, I want them to stay my little kids forever.