Shame on Bookman’s

I’m so disappointed! I was in Bookman’s used books yesterday and they had Michael Behe’s work classified in the science section. I can expect this sort of stuff from the big chain bookstores, but I thought Bookman’s was different.

It’s all quantum physics, I tells ya!

One of those fascinating little tidbits that always amuses me concerning quantum physics is that whole time/speed. Oh, you know what I’m talking about, it’s what happened to Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes. Their spaceship travels at speeds upwards towards the speed of light, and they age less than the space around them. … Read more

Reptiles make tracks

Just cool paleontological news… BBC NEWS => Ancient reptile tracks unearthed The earliest evidence for the existence of reptiles has been found in Canada.The 315 million-year-old fossilised tracks give an insight into a key milestone in the history of life, when animals left water to live on dry land. The footprints suggest reptiles evolved between … Read more

Dinosaur footprints found in Mexico

Reuters => Mexican man finds forty dinosaur prints in desert MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – A Mexican man has discovered dozens of dinosaur footprints dating back up to 110 million years along the banks of a dried river, scientists said on Tuesday. The article goes on to explain the prints are from an early cretaceous dinosaur, … Read more

Shermer at TED

I don’t really know who TED is, but Michael Shermer is always interesting to listen too. I always loved it when he was the lone, token skeptic on those drubbed up UFO and paranormal shows on TV. Not only is he smart guy, but he also apparently uses a Mac. Technorati Tags: Blog, Science, Skepticism

Freakin’ Big Bird

NPR => Huge ‘Terror Bird’ Fossil Discovered in PatagoniaScientists have discovered a skull belonging to a hook-beaked bird that ruled the grasslands of South America…. It was the largest bird ever and the top predator in South America millions of years ago.South America must have been a fun place back in the Pleistocene.