New Suit

New Doctor Who series Three Promo pic

I’m glad the new Doctor has taken to changing his clothes.

In the good old, pre JNT days, the Doctor often changed clothes (although generally keeping the same basic “style”) and that made him more realistic.

This, however, is the best of the pictures. In the other pictures, the poorly realized breast pocket makes him look like the Maytag Repair man.

Of course, in a way, he IS the repair man…

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6 thoughts on “New Suit”

  1. It’s just horrible! I quite agree there should be nothing to stop him changing his outfit, but the brown pinstripe looked superb, you need something at least as good to replace it. As you say, the suit makes him look like a repair man.

    Worse, he’s wearing this… this… boiler suit with his brown overcoat and converse. It’s not right.

  2. It’s just horrible! I quite agree there should be nothing to stop him changing his outfit, but the brown pinstripe looked superb, you need something at least as good to replace it. As you say, the suit makes him look like a repair man.

    Worse, he’s wearing this… this… boiler suit with his brown overcoat and converse. It’s not right.

  3. “Boiler suit”! Yes! That’s the term I was trying to think of!

    That’s not a common name here in (at least this part of) the States. Overalls is more common, and don’t look quite the same. The closest we have here is the commercial character of the Maytag Repair man, but really, the outfit reminds of so many, many Monty Python characters, from Bicycle Repairman to anyone who came as a workman from “The Council” or “the Gas Board”. 🙂

    I think with the blue boiler suit and brown overcoat, we’re supposed to remember the days of Colin Baker and repeat the phrase, “Remember, he’s not really human and he’s got a different esthetic.”

  4. Ah, the days of Colin Baker…

    Maybe the major reason his Big Finish audios tend to be so much better than his TV adventures is that his costume works so much better on the radio.

  5. Ah, the days of Colin Baker…

    Maybe the major reason his Big Finish audios tend to be so much better than his TV adventures is that his costume works so much better on the radio.

  6. Honestly, I don’t know why, but Colin Baker was one of my favorite “classic” era Doctors.

    Looking back, he had an awful costume, terrible stories and awful companions. (Peri was OK, provided the sound was turned down.) Yet somehow… there was something there, desperately trying to surface.

    I think that’s why his Big Finish adventures do so much better. He’s had the opportunity to refine his Doctor into an intelligent and compassionate Doctor. (But still maintaining some of the obnoxiousness he was given in overabundance during the actual show)

    …and, I think the Big Finish writers “love” the show far more than the actual writers during the 80’s.

    Say what you will about the new series, that same love still shows in the episodes by Davies, Moffat, Gatiss and the others.

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