When Fish Meet Cars

If you think you can predict the behavior of children, think again.

Every weekend, when my wife leaves for work around 1:00PM, we go through the same routine. We find a DVD to put on that will distract my son, James, enough so that Irene can leave the house without him going into fits of crying.

James is crazy about two things: fish and cars. Until now, our one surefire DVD that can completely absorb his attention is Finding Nemo. I honestly think he could watch it 5 times in a row without interruption.

So imagine how happy we were that Pixar’s latest, Cars, was released on DVD? OK, that was a rhetorical question but the answer was “quite happy” and I’m rather sick of Finding Nemo.

When my wife left today, I put on Cars and watched in fascination as my son watched the movie with the same attention that he’d give a BBC Four documentary on Bronze-age pottery shards* – that is to say, he wasn’t interested at all.


*For the record: No, I don’t watch documentaries on Bronze-age pottery shards.

3 thoughts on “When Fish Meet Cars”

  1. NO!!! Really? He wasn’t interested at all?!?!? It probably has something to do with the voice.

  2. NO!!! Really? He wasn’t interested at all?!?!? It probably has something to do with the voice.

  3. Odd, really. It wasn’t that bad of a film. Yes, it was a remake of Doc Hollywood with Michael J. Fox and it did have that annoying Owen Wilson, but, it was a typical Pixar heartwarmer.

    James just refused to watch it unless I sat there with him the whole time.

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