Here’s something you don’t see every day

BBC News => Shark ‘kills swimming kangaroo’

A kangaroo met an unlikely death after it bounded into the surf in southern Australia and was mauled by a shark, according to eyewitnesses.

I’ve been watching a fair amount of Australian TV lately, and I’m amazed at how often the subject of sharks snatching animals and people comes up. There was one story about a man swallowed head first, down to his chest, by a great white earlier in the year. Luckily he got out.

Doesn’t sound like Skippy was quite as lucky. Perhaps the shark hypnotized him and lured him out to sea. If so, maybe we’re in luck. If sharks have evolved the ability to hypnotize and lure their prey off land, perhaps we’ll get rid of all the Creationists and most of the Republican candidates for President? They haven’t got nearly the mental power of kangaroos.

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