Taiwan 2010 – Part IIIb – Pastureland Resort Experience Area (Episode 3)

If I haven’t got you confused with my post numbering by now, I never will.

Let’s see, I left off at the sugar refinery, on our way to the cows.


Oh, OK, right… so, we left the sugar refinery and we went to the cow place, known formally (in English) as Rareseed Ranch, where they have some dairy cows and ostriches, although the purpose of the ostriches is somewhat murky.

They make milk at this ranch and they sell milk products. People come and feed the cows and look at them.

We stopped at the snack bar where they sell ice cream – which comes in one flavor: milk flavor. They also sell cheesecake, which tastes like milk and I also had a glass of milk, which, reassuringly, tasted like milk. I believe I am now totally cowed out and do not need see any more cows, ever.

We pulled into a really nice looking resort in Guanshan township, but it was too expensive, so we went to their cheaper sister hotel, right next to the train station. Apparently bike rental comes with the room and we plan to go riding in the morning. At least it doesn’t involve cows.

Food pickings were slim, but we ate a passable chinese-style pork chop at a bien dan shop near the hotel.

Our hotel has free wireless (at least, I assume it’s free wireless from the hotel, the access point name is “default”), so I’ve had my first opportunity to catch up on my blogging and newsreading. The data connection on the iPhone is a life saver, but I’m still using it sparingly. Opportunities to tap into wi-fi are like gold.

We’ve no left the “planned” part of our itinerary. I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but this much I can guarantee: It will not involve cows.