Don’t tell my daughter…

It’s a good thing my kids don’t read my blog. This will be no surprise to most parents, but my kids are not like each other… apart from the obvious anatomical differences. James is a compulsive, obsessive child, who is frequently fixated by superheroes. Hardly a day goes by where it isn’t “Batman this, Batman … Read more

Google Earth – iPhone

Google Earth for iPhone is out! It seems to work ok and they even managed to included the Panoramio and wikipedia components of the geographic web. Location services are available to both position you on the Earth and to locate search results nearest to your present location. Standard iPhone type zoom and reposition and a … Read more

Wacky iPhone Photo

I made the mistake of thinking to take the kids to Peter Piper Pizza on a Saturday night. I somehow failed to reason out that it would be a madhouse! I was going to blog about (hey! I just did) and started to take pictures to illustrate. When I did, I got the infamous scrambled … Read more

$0.99 Madness or What the Hell is this?

Times are tough. We went to the 99 Cent Only store today. They advertise that everything in the store is 99 cents. Inflation takes its toll though because over the loudspeaker they were announcing special items for 99.99 cents! That’s a 10% price increase! But I ask you: Who would pay $0.99 for this hideous … Read more

Where to go in the UK?

So, the world’s in financial turmoil, and things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better. My employer (and technically speaking, my wife’s, too) is $1 billion over budget this year. People are worried about their jobs. Prices are up. Sales are down. Fuel Prices/Airfare are outrageous. The UK is one of the most expensive places to visit.

But, dammit, I promised my daughter a cricket match and a trip to the British Museum of Natural History for her birthday, and I aim to keep that promise. At least it is still 8 months away.

(Video after the jump…)

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Indoor Sonic Boom?

Sonic Drive-ins are an interesting bit of Americana. Emulating old episodes of Happy Days, these restaurants are designed fir you to drive up, park, order through a speaker next to your car and then your food us delivered right to the car where you proceed to eat it. Personally, apart from the novelty, I hate … Read more