I held an iPad – Now I Must Own One

Honestly, I don’t know which to write about first – The New Doctor Who or the new iPad. As I sit here on the sofa with my nice, shiny new MacBook Pro (which I love dearly, it’s a wonderful laptop) I can’t help thinking, “Hey, there’s an iPad version of WordPress just waiting for me.” … Read more

iPhone Gripe

This is the first time I’ve ever used “airplane mode” on my iPhone. Why? Because the hotel we’re staying in is a complete cell phone dead zone. Neither my AT&T nor Irene’s T-Mobile us working. Why airplane mode? Because the phone is seeking a signal and running the battery down at a staggering rate. I’ve … Read more

Doctor Who on the Wii

Honestly, this is in the Sun, which makes it about as reliable as Fox News, but, supposedly, Doctor Who will be coming to the Wii for Xmas. Apparently, the project has been in the works for a while, but the developers just can’t get into the “spirit” of Doctor Who. Former Doctor David Tennant said … Read more

Stop Picking on the BBC

While the BBC may have it’s problems, it’s the envy of the world, or so says David Mitchell in this week’s Observer. I agree, or I wouldn’t be posting this here. These contradictions make it very easy to find fault with the BBC and let its critics evade the real question which is, simply: do … Read more

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science Fiction Movies

I just don’t give my blog enough love lately. I always seem to be posting videos and links to Facebook instead of here, so, here’s a good one. Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of the most articulate and entertaining scientists and skeptics out there. Here he is talking about one of my favorite topics: Technical … Read more

Fusion Patrol on Vimeo

I’m experimenting a bit with Vimeo instead of YouTube. So far, quality on Vimeo looks much better. This is the first in a probably endless series of videos put together from years of all the junk we shot for Fusion Patrol. Alternate Fusion Patrol Titles (1995, Unused) from Eugene Glover on Vimeo. Originally shot in … Read more

Charlie Brooker on Psychics and Creationism

I’ve only recently heard of Charlie Brooker, when one of his videos concerning how news reports are made went viral (or at least viral in the circles I follow.) Since then, I’ve been “catching up” with his series, Screenwipe and Newswipe where he has a very refreshingly incisive view of television and the news. Here … Read more

OSX Time Machine – Brilliant or Bust?

Aren’t backups a wonderful thing? As an IT professional, I can tell you that most people never backup their computers. Organizations are a bit different. Most recognize the need for backing up, but fewer actually test their backups. In OSX Leopard, Apple recognized that people don’t backup their computers. Further, they recognized that, increasingly, our … Read more