Twenty20 Cricket – A Guide For Neophytes

I’ve got several friends coming over tomorrow to watch last week’s final of Australia’s KFC Big Bash Twenty20 cricket final; however, they basically know little or nothing about cricket. I was going to mail them this guide, but why should I waste pages of writing that I can blog instead? 🙂 So here it is… … Read more

iPad… is there a gap to fill?

I’ve been shying away from reading commentary today about the iPad, mostly because I wanted to form my opinions in a vacuum (like I always do 🙂 ) on the device. I’ll say in retrospect that I am one of those people who thinks a tablet computer is generally a bad idea… at least as … Read more

Snow Day!

No, not in Phoenix. We decided – and when I say, “we”, I mean the collective Glover family unit as a democratic whole, not necessarily as a unanimously united gestalt – to go to Flagstaff so that the kids could experience a natural and wholly unpleasant phenomena known as “snow.” I can tell you that, … Read more

Doctor Who – The End of Time – I’m still not going to review this mess…

…but,, here’s someone else’s review that hits on about 1/3 to 1/2 of the things that really irritated me about this dismal failure of a regeneration story. From Behind the Sofa – Return of the Fan****king Yeah, I welled up. Incredibly, I was still crying when I noticed that the glass doors weren’t even sealed. … Read more

Anniversary Dinner for Two – What could go wrong?

I just have not been blogging enough lately. The simplistic ease of just making a quick snark on Facebook is a life-drainer from blogging. I’ve decided to have a long snark today. Yesterday was our 11th anniversary (not yours and mine, obviously, but my wife’s and my 11th anniversary) and we decided, somewhat unoriginally, that … Read more

War on Christmas Tree

I didn’t get around to this last year, but this year I got around to making my “Atheist A” tree topper for our holiday Yule tree. Or as I like to call it, “The Bill O’Reilly Memorial War on Christmas Tree”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-07

We're at Joe's Real BBQ in old town Gilbert. 20 minutes ago it was hopping. Now it's empty. # San Tan Village. All the junk of a mall. None of the advantages and you get to dodge traffic. Brilliant! # Scientist build "haunted" room… Or maybe not. # Rather frightening NYTimes … Read more