Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01
Why do the bogus ghost stories on the news always start turning up around Halloween? Oh. Answered my own question. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Why do the bogus ghost stories on the news always start turning up around Halloween? Oh. Answered my own question. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Cabela's land of the macabre. # I can't scroll fast enough to see all the No God tweets zipping by. No god must be true because Twitter says so. # A really shameful article in the Times about the #LHC and time travel. # Powered by Twitter Tools # Therizinosaur # Zuniceratops # Triceratops # Tyrannosaurus bataar # Camarasaurus # Probactrosaurus # Protoceratops # Estemmenosuchus # Inostrancevia I love the mammal-like reptiles most of all. # Hmmm. This auto tweet blog post titles grabbed the working title not the actual one. Not saying … Read more
It seems like just yesterday when I was waxing poetic about my thoughts on environmentalism, recycling and the Taiwanese psyche about finding news ways to skirt any inconvenient laws. I’m humorously reminded of it in this article Taichung: No More Full of Sh*t at The View from Taiwan. In it, Mr. Turton explains the city … Read more
We drove beside the light rail lines along Apache Blvd in Tempe today. 25 years ago, I used to live on Apache, near McClintock. While much of the street, particulary as you head east towards Mesa, still has its old “charm” (read: slum-like qualities) – run down motels, dive bars and trailer parks – there’s … Read more
A few days ago, I posted some thoughts (barely that) on Ginger Beer vs Ginger Ale. I had planned on it being a very thoughtful and thorough exploration of my introduction to Ginger Beer, but I just hated the way I started off on each attempt to write it and I finally ended up with … Read more
I never realized just how much ginger ale sucks until I tried ginger beer. They should just stop making ginger ale altogether. Ginger beer. Yum.
When I was a kid, “Farm cakes” had a completely different connotation…
I just love technology! And one facet of technology that fascinates me is food technology. I love the great lengths that mankind is willing to go to to try to balance convenience vs taste/quality. Let’s face it, the microwave oven has transformed our world more than we can probably quantify. It’s a modern miracle of … Read more
It’s been a few days since I had this new JVC stereo unit installed, and I’ve now taken several “trips” with it, plus I’ve tried to test out all the features I’m likely to ever use. Background I love music. I listen to lots of music – eclectic music, perhaps, but I’m never far from … Read more