Nostalgia Pizza – Shakey’s Pizza Parlour

Ah, our memories from childhood! Oh, you youngsters don’t remember the days before microwave ovens, or before Domino’s Pizza and Pizza Hut had expanded out and dominated the entire country. In those old days, there were one or two Pizza Huts in town – the old kind, with no delivery and a table-top video game … Read more

Waters of Mars

Can you believe that the BBC would have the audacity to show a new trailer for Waters of Mars at the San Diego Comic Con – which is, I might point out, in the flippin’ United States – and then post the damned thing to their website and make it UK-only? That’s over-the-line – and … Read more

Torchwood – Who are the monsters? (Er, Children of Earth) review, spoilers

I loathe Torchwood. It is the Slitheen of the Doctor Who universe… oh, wait, the Slitheen are the Slitheen of the Doctor Who universe. In that case, Torchwood are the fart jokes of the Doctor Who universe – crude, boorish and juvenile. (While, at the same time, attempting to be all grown-up. “See, I can … Read more

iPhone 3GS Experience – The “buy”

I haven’t had my new 3GS long enough to really give a good account of what I think of the various upgrades, but I can, at this point, give my opinion on the Apple Store experience that I had getting the upgrade. For the record, generally, I have had no problems at the Apple Store, … Read more