New iPhone…

I got the new iPhone 3GS yesterday evening. Wow! It is blisteringly fast compared to my original one Can’t say I’ve ever “loved” a piece of technology more than my original iPhone and this is a worthy upgrade -for the speed alone. Now I get to experiment with the quality of AT&T’s 3G service and … Read more

Do parents influence their kids?

Yes. Consider: my boy got this cow trinket today at Chick-Fil-A. Because it is small he thinks it is a baby cow. What did he name it? Happycalf Veal Glover. I couldn’t be prouder of him.

What’s in your melon?

So the other day I was introduced to That Mitchell and Webb Look through the (science/atheistic) website Pharyngula, with this Mitchell and Webb skit about homeopathy, a subject of particular derision in the skeptic crowd. So I tracked down that show, and that particular episode and I found this sketch that would be right up … Read more

Transformers – I didn’t even watch the movie

Transformers – I didn’t even watch the movie, but that doesn’t stop me from dispensing opinions about it! Oh… not my own options. I didn’t even see the first film, since it looked so crap and I wasn’t a Transformers fan in the first place. No, I pass this on not so much because I … Read more

iPhone 3GS

It’s probably no surprise that my refrain around my house is, “I want an iPhone 3GS.” I also happy to report that, despite not getting one for Father’s Day as perhaps I’d hoped, I did, at least, get a promissory note for one in late July/early August. (The issue is not really the upfront cost … Read more

New theme – mobile theme

If you’re using an iPhone or other mobile browser (are there really any others?) you may have noticed I’ve installed a new mobile theme for the website – and over at, where it is probably more useful. If you encounter any problems with it, please do let me know.

BBC (in) America(?)

The Telegraph is reporting the merest hint of a possibility of the glimmer of a chance that the BBC iPlayer might be launched internationally via a partnership with Google. Now all they have to do is work out all those nasty international rights issues. Still, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’d … Read more