Firsts for boys

One of those inconvenient truths about parenting is that awkward time between potty training and actually being able to use a public restroom unaided. With Michelle I was able to escape that duty fairly easily. I only had to take her to a men’s room two or three times before she could go unassisted to … Read more

Here come the trains!

The December 27th arrival of the light rail is just around the corner and I’ve even seen a train or two out on the tracks near the house. Unfortunately, more often than not, what I usually see are morons, and I’m not the only one to notice. According to light rail operator Kim Zablonski: “People … Read more

Doctor Whoish

I haven’t posted anything Doctor Whoish lately, except the depressing news that David Tennant has knavishly abandoned his efforts to be the longest running Doctor yet.

However, If I don’t go searching, not much Doctor Who news comes my way, today I ran across this article, (at ComicMix News) which purports to be “what we know” about the upcoming specials – although, from the comments, I see a healthy dose of skepticism, which I’m more than pleased to to echo.

I’m skeptical, but it’s fun to speculate.

Read on if you want to hear things that sound like rumors, but might actually be spoilers…

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For iPhones, I recommend PlastX

My original iPhone has a flaw. (Gasp! Don’t tell Steve) The cheap plastic lens on the back of the phone is flush meaning that any sliding, even in and out of a case, can scuff the lens. Recently, my photos from the iPhone have been getting blurrier and blurrier. I thought there was no hope. … Read more

Highlights of BBC Coverage

Last night during, on BBC America, the BBC broadcast all evening what I believe to be the same election coverage that was shown on BBC 1. That was an interesting different perspective, even though most of the commentators in studio were from the US. (Which seems fair since they would be the most knowledgeable on … Read more

Flickr Find – Kewe

I’ve been waiting for just the right moment to blog this one for a couple of months now. I think in keeping with my earlier post about the Out-Of-Office notice, that we should be reminded that it isn’t just the English and the Welsh that don’t always get their translations sorted out. This photo, from … Read more

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s dirty pool

No, not a dirty swimming pool – I couldn’t care less about that. It’s dirty tricks. It’s been known for many years that the Republicans don’t like high voter turnouts. Little old ladies in Sun City, high paid executives who can take time off whenever they want and crazy religious fanatics make up a sizable … Read more