I never thought I’d see…

While I was out at lunch today, I got a text message from a friend informing me of something truly amazing, the text read: “England vs Stanford Superstars is on ESPN2 (20v20 cricket).” Could that be true? Could Stanford and his millions have enough pull that a cricket match would be shown on American television?! … Read more

Free AT&T WiFi for iPhone

It would seem everyone in the US with a legit iPhone and contract received a message from AT&T this week telling us we’ve got free WiFi at of if their hotspots around the country. Friday I decided to try it. At lunch we went to Borders Book (Barnes & Noble in disguise) with has an … Read more

I’m not in the office…

From the BBC Have you ever sent an e-mail to someone about something important and you get a reply almost immediately from them and you think, “Good, I can get this issue taken care of right away?” Here’s an example of the how that can go wrong. The sign above is in English and Welsh. … Read more

The Smell of Fear

I was born in Arizona (albeit in a more liberal city than where I currently live), and there are a lot of things that commend this state. The politics of the majority of its people is not one of them. You can generally rely on Arizona to be a Republican state in any election – … Read more

No excuse for this one, either…

I was searching Flickr to find a suitable photo of girls playing cricket to accompany my previous post. Instead I found this photo, which was thoroughly inappropriate to go along with that post. So here it is with a post all of it’s own. It certainly adds a new angle to the oft-heard phrase in … Read more

Don’t tell my daughter…

It’s a good thing my kids don’t read my blog. This will be no surprise to most parents, but my kids are not like each other… apart from the obvious anatomical differences. James is a compulsive, obsessive child, who is frequently fixated by superheroes. Hardly a day goes by where it isn’t “Batman this, Batman … Read more

Google Earth – iPhone

Google Earth for iPhone is out! It seems to work ok and they even managed to included the Panoramio and wikipedia components of the geographic web. Location services are available to both position you on the Earth and to locate search results nearest to your present location. Standard iPhone type zoom and reposition and a … Read more