Wacky iPhone Photo

I made the mistake of thinking to take the kids to Peter Piper Pizza on a Saturday night. I somehow failed to reason out that it would be a madhouse! I was going to blog about (hey! I just did) and started to take pictures to illustrate. When I did, I got the infamous scrambled … Read more

$0.99 Madness or What the Hell is this?

Times are tough. We went to the 99 Cent Only store today. They advertise that everything in the store is 99 cents. Inflation takes its toll though because over the loudspeaker they were announcing special items for 99.99 cents! That’s a 10% price increase! But I ask you: Who would pay $0.99 for this hideous … Read more

Indoor Sonic Boom?

Sonic Drive-ins are an interesting bit of Americana. Emulating old episodes of Happy Days, these restaurants are designed fir you to drive up, park, order through a speaker next to your car and then your food us delivered right to the car where you proceed to eat it. Personally, apart from the novelty, I hate … Read more

Is this logical?

Why on earth would the city of Phoenix send out a work crew to start work replacing a perfectly good fire hydrant with another fire hydrant at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon? Like how they mostly block off my driveway? Update: 6:30, it’s getting dark and they’re still sitting around in the hole. At least … Read more

Fusion Patrol Returns

Some 15 years ago we used to have a little thing called “Public Access TV”, now largely defunct. For those not familiar with the concept, Public Access was supposed to be a way that local community members could use the medium of television to reach out to their community. In one of the brighter, more … Read more

New Immigration Problems

A lot has been said about the problem with illegal immigrants coming up from Mexico and there’s a lot of mindless polemic on both sides, which I shall not address here. If you live somewhere like Phoenix where the numbers of immigrants (both legal and illegal) is high, you may have noticed that the recent … Read more