…for the Center For Inquiry, and may I just say these are the people who put out Skeptical Inquirer magazines, one of my favorite reads.

Quantum of Silence

OK, so the theme from Daniel Craig’s first Bond film wasn’t the most memorable Bond film of all time, but it had the habit of growing on you a bit. Quantum of Solace’s theme song was debuted on the BBC yesterday and I can only hope they follow the trend started in the last film … Read more

To walk with dinosaurs

Yesterday, on the 9th anniversary of the moon being blasted out of Earth’s orbit, we celebrated by attending Walking with Dinosaurs, the Live Experience. This is a multi-million dollar extravaganza (the production, not – quite – the ticket price) to bring life-sized dinosaurs from the Walking with Dinosaurs series to life, on stage. No matter … Read more

How I feel when Windows is in the House

Once again, the comedy duo of Gates and Seinfeld are at it again. This time, the explain what the commercial is about and the message isn’t good: “Connecting” with people is like an awkward pairing of dysfunctional people trying to live together, which ends with Gates and Seinfeld being kicked out of the house. Yep, … Read more