Images on Toast

From: Specious Report => Atheist Sees Image of Big Bang in Slice of Toast “I was just about to spread the butter when I noticed a fairly typical small hole in the bread surrounded by a burnt black ring,” Chapman told local newspaper The Huddlesfield Express. “However the direction and splatter patterns of the crumbs, … Read more

BBC on iTunes

BBC shows like Ashes to Ashes, Torchwood and Robin Hood are now on the iTunes UK store. That’s a start. Now, all they have to do is get them on the US iTunes store… …or, I just need a sympathetic person in the UK and I’m all set. Now, I wonder, why people in the … Read more

Knight Rider

Knight Rider is one of those shows perhaps best left in the 1980s, but that doesn’t stop studio executives from trying to beat the dead horse a couple more times by ressurecting it (yet again) as a two hour telemovie. Apart from it being just generally awful, the sponsors (Ford) didn’t miss the fact that … Read more

New Apple Gear

I know what you’re thinking: You’re thinking I’m going to review my new iPhone. Well, I’m not. At least, not today. I feel I should give it at least one full, four-day weekend before making my assessment. No, instead, I’m just going to touch on the Apple TV Take 2 upgrade that came down last … Read more


Had to go to a Taiwanese American Association banquet last night. Not really my cup of tea, but I support the organization and their goals and try to help them when I can. Irene and the kids enjoyed it, but it might have been a complete write-off for me if it weren’t for this sign … Read more

Phantoms in the Ruins

Have you ever stood in an abandoned house? One that’s falling down, but inside it’s clear that it wasn’t completely emptied before the last inhabitants fled? In my wanderings over the years, I’ve encountered several such places, and I find, as I look around, that I cannot help but try to imagine the occupants. Their … Read more

Valentine’s Day Goodness

So my wonderful wife got me a new toy for Valentine’s Day. Ever since the great iPod in the pool catastrophe, which also damaged my mobile, I’ve been having increasing problems with the phone, and so… Now I have an iPhone. In fact, I’m writing this on a traffic jam using the cell network connection. … Read more

A Plethora of Heathen stuff

I’ve just got too many bookmarks in my “blog this pile” this week, so, rather than give each the attention it deserves, I’ll just lump them altogether… This one is just too funny, someone over at Fundies Say The Darndest Things has collected their top 100 list of the most nut-job, fundamentalist, crackpot religious comments, … Read more

Big Wheels Keep Turning

I didn’t know Singapore went in for the flashy, “we’ve got to be #1 stuff”, like the Malaysians do, but here it is – the Singapore Flyer. The world’s newest “tallest” and “largest” observation wheel. It bumped off the London Eye as the numero uno largest and the Star of Nanchang as the tallest. Link: … Read more