The devil is in the details

Speaking of Satan, how’s this for a terrible abuse of technology? I mean, sure, it’s quite a technological achievement, and I can’t think of a better book to make unreadable, but couldn’t they just make it 0.5sq-mm smaller? BBC News => Bible put on a pinhead-size chip Researchers in Israel say they have succeeded in … Read more

Remember shark skin jackets? Now we have shark skin dinosaurs.

Seems like we’ve been getting an increasing number of “soft tissue” dinosaur fossils lately. Is it luck? Some improvement in the way fossils are found? Or is it Satan just trying harder trick people into believing in evolution? BBC News => Flesh wound reveals dino secrets A fossil unearthed in China has given scientists a … Read more

Clean Up

Back in ’07, I started a “year in review” blog post, and promptly failed to finish it. While working on it, I discovered a whole bunch of other posts I never finished. Guess it’s time to clean house. Technorati Tags: Blog

My GPS – But first, a little history…

A brief bit of background… I’ve been using a GPS since 1995, when I purchased a (now) vintage old Garmin GPS 40 for my father. I had been convinced for some time that I really wanted one and, equally, was convinced that I had no practical use for it. I rarely got the opportunity to … Read more

Visit to Fresh & Easy

A while back I blogged about Tesco’s attempt to penetrate the US Market with their Fresh & Easy chain of environmentally green midi-marts. I also mentioned the slimy unions’ attempts to keep them from opening shop. While the Fresh & Easy near my house remains an empty lot, and the next two nearest ones are … Read more

Geocaching – Take 2 (and 3)

A co-worker and I walked to lunch Thursday and, as I’d recorded some nearby geocaches, we decided to walk to the nearest, which wasn’t far from the restaurant. The location of the first was easy to locate, but the cache itself eluded us. It seemed so unlikely that we couldn’t see it that it must … Read more

Can a tree die of embarassment?

We’ve been having freeze warnings the last few nights, and, because of last year’s excessive freeze damage, Irene is paranoid about the remaining tree being killed by the cold. She’s taken the advice of the news and put old sheets around it. (Honest, below the sheets, it’s alive, we’ve never managed to cut off the … Read more

I got cache for Christmas

Over a month or so back, it became clear that my first choice Christmas present, a Nintiendo Wii, wasn’t a viable option – I suspect many people didn’t find a Wii under their tree this year, either. When I knew the Wii wasn’t to be, I thought long and hard about a fallback choice, and … Read more

Merry Christmas

Seasons greetings, etc etc etc. Just got word from my brother-in-law, that’s always good for a chuckle. His girlfriend is taking courses at Leeds this year, and, after much arm-twisting, Johnny went to visit her over Christmas. Mostly, he’s taking food. According to her, English food is bad (yeah, well, alright, it’s a fair cop) … Read more

What’s worse than 12 days of Christmas?

19 days of it! Michelle has been singing that song all day long, and she just keeps going and going and going. Worse: she’s actually consistent with the days 13-19. I was impressed she knew all the regular verses… well, except that somehow she got “a partridge in a pear tree” confused with “a palm … Read more