Accidental Pano, Tokyo, Japan

While I was going through those same old photos, I also ran across this one, too. I had actually discovered this one a couple years ago, but I decided to let CS3 try to make a better job of it. This is stitched together from eight photographs that I took from our hotel window. Chu-Wan … Read more

Accidental Pano – Edinburgh, Scotland

I was going through some old scans of negatives when I happened to notice that two shots I took of the Edinburgh skyline from the hill that Edinburgh castle sits on overlapped enough to let Photoshop CS3 have a go at stitching them together. The results were not too bad. I love surprises like this! … Read more

Unimpressive Pink Taco

If ever there was a classic example of the rape of the taxpayers, this is it. The so-called “University of Phoenix Stadium”. It’s not the University of Phoenix’s stadium, they just bid to have the naming rights. This is the stadium for the Phoenix Cardinals, not that they could be bothered to pay for their … Read more

This is so wrong

MS-DOS running on my MacBook. Is there nothing I won’t stoop too? Technorati Tags: Apple, Blog, Computer, Mac, MacBook, OSX

It’s Bulwer-Lytton Time!

The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest has been run again and the winners are in! What’s the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest? An international literary parody contest, the competition honors the memory (if not the reputation) of Victorian novelist Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873). The goal of the contest is childishly simple: entrants are challenged to submit bad opening … Read more

A New Hard Drive… A New Hard Drive at last!

Finally! 5400 RPM 2.5“ SATA drives over 200GB are available. I found a good deal online for a Western Digital 250GB model and ordered it last week. It arrived today and with the help of an external hard drive and Carbon Copy Cloner, in just 5 hours, I have completed duplicated my old MacBook drive … Read more

Rain Flood Rain

It’s not flooding like in Britain, but ol’ mother nature really gave it a good try today in a 6 square mile area around my house. Between 3:00 and 4:00PM, water levels rose over an inch above the sidewalks. Technorati Tags: Arizona, Blog

Expanding Parallels Virtual Machine Hard Drive

Just a tip that I found useful. When I first purchased Parallels Workstation (back when it was beta), I setup my VM Windows XP installation and I decided (unwisely) that I needed a very small virtual disk drive because I didn’t want to waste space on my MacBook. I didn’t realize that the virtual drive … Read more