Digital Life

I’ve been scanning photo negatives this evening. In no particular order, I’ve stumbled across the photos from our 2000 trip to the UK. It’s really remarkable how digital cameras have changed the way I take pictures. (No, the haven’t gotten any better.) When I’m done it’s going to come out less that 100 photos for … Read more

Apple TV – gosh, I touched one.

I stopped by the Apple store today and got a good look at the Apple TV. They had 3 on display for playing with in addition to one in the front window. It was generating a fair amount of traffic and the Apple associates were certainly willing to bend anyone’s ear who was willing to … Read more

It’s time!

Scientific American: Ask the Experts => Why is a minute divided into 60 seconds, an hour into 60 minutes, yet there are only 24 hours in a day? I’m not going to apologize for this totally geek moment. I found this article about time fascinating. I’ve always wondered why we used 24 hours and 60 … Read more

Is there a lemon law for MacBooks?

Long time readers of my blog may recall that my very first generation MacBook experienced every major problem being exhibited by MacBooks. Weird screen problems, sudden power offs, etc. Now, I’ve got a new one… my MacBook has never had as good battery life as my iBook did, but, I figured it was to be … Read more

Still Raining in Prescott


I’ll give high marks to the Spring Hill Marriott (perhaps I’ll explain why later) but among the good things, free wireless and a real complimentary breakfast, with sausage, eggs and waffles, not just bagels.

After we consumed breakfast, it looked promising that, while still grey, the rain might have abated for the day. We headed out for a walk to get pictures of plum tree blossoms for Irene. Then we headed up a random street towards the top of a hill. When we got there, we found ourselves in Acker Park. We trudged around through the mud for quite a while and finally found ourselves on the south-side of the park. Because Irene had been pushing the stroller through the mud, an environment not friendly to strollers, we decided to circle around on the roads back to the north side and our hotel.

That proved to be a rather circuitous route, but had the advantage of being all downhill. As we approached the hotel, the temperature began to drop considerably and the dark storm clouds began to roll into town again. I left the GPS in the car, but I used Google Earth upon return to calculate our walking distance. Michelle managed to walk the entire 4 miles, which is pretty good for a 4-year old.

Thursday night after our lackluster dinner at the Fazoli’s next door, I’d searched for pizza places and discovered a highly recommended place called “Papa’s”. I dutifully noted the location and paid close attention to the lamentations of several people complaining that they were only open fives days a week (Tuesday-Saturday.)

We hopped in the car as the weather continued to worsen and drove to Papa’s. Perhaps people should haven’t been complaining about the days they were open and should have been complaining about their hours. They weren’t open until 4:00PM. We’d have starved by then and the kids had been geared up for pizza. We returned to a small pizza place we passed along the way: Tastebud’s.

I’ll be reviewing that over at Pizza Locust shortly.

While we were in the restaurant, it really started to dump. Since we were all tired, we returned to the room and I took a nap.

Dinner was almost an equal fiasco, I wasn’t going to get pizza twice in one day, so I knew Papa’s would have to keep for another trip. We headed out to exercise the kids some more and find food. Due to the obscene influx of people into Prescott over the last decade, all the “usual suspects” for family dining were here. I wanted a hamburger, so we finally drove back into the center of town to Kendall’s Famous Burgers & Ice Cream. We arrived just as they were closing.

We drove around mostly aimlessly until I gave up and suggested Red Lobster. Irene was please to get seafood, and they’ve always got a New York Strip steak and a good caesar salad waiting for me.

More pictures follow:

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VisualHub Update

VisualHub, a program I live and die by on my Mac has updated to a new version that encodes videos directly into the format needed for Apple TV. Guess it’s time to buy an Apple TV before March 31… Technorati Tags: Apple, Blog, Computer, Mac, MacBook, Technology, Television, Video

Not a dinosaur and not a dragon, either

Telegraph => Ancient lizard used ribs to fly I haven’t had anything about paleontology in a while and in keeping with Primeval’s total lack of dinosurs, here’s another “not a dinosaur”. A Chinese team reports today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that this creature had a wing-like membrane spread between eight … Read more

Fun in the Slides

If I do say so myself, my daughter is very smart. Her language skills, in particular, are very advanced and even though she’s just in preschool, she’s capable of handling second grade material. (It doesn’t hurt that her mother is a teacher and that my mother, father and I were similarly advanced as children.) In … Read more

Developmental Milestones

We had a big change of plans Saturday. Our original plan was to leave the kids with grandpa and go out to dinner, but during the day, James had other plans. During his afternoon nap, he climbed out of the crib and deposited himself on the floor. He wasn’t apparently hurt but this was the … Read more