Oh look, it’s the famous Simon Templar… boing!

It was only yesterday when coming back from lunch that I was commenting on the sad state of affairs on TV. “We need less TV detective teams working with DNA and psychologists and more proper TV heroes like Simon Templar, The Saint.” And lo, minutes later I was greeted by the news that the cable … Read more

Appeals Court: No Fake Snow at Arizona Snowbowl

KTAR => Appeals Court: No Fake Snow at Arizona Snowbowl Operators of the Arizona Snowbowl can’t use treated wastewater to make snow, a federal appeals court ruled Monday in a decision that found the procedure would have violated the religious freedom of Navajos and a dozen other American Indian tribes. The 777-acre resort north of … Read more

Birthday Tree

Today is James’ second birthday. That means it is the day we’d normally go out an take his picture with “his tree”. Unfortunately, since the deep freeze, there’s been no further sign of life in either his or Michelle’s tree. I don’t think the tree will be there to photograph next year. Still, we have … Read more

The #$%hole at Baskin Robbins

We stopped in a Baskin Robbins yesterday investigating the possibility of an ice cream cake for James’ birthday. The store was apparently run by an indo-pakistani family. While we were enjoying our ice cream, the skin-head you see at the counter came in, said something to the older man working the counter, who, in turn, … Read more

I don’t know what to say…

I received a notice that someone had used one of my flickr photos in a mosaic, which is all right, but, of course, I had to go see it. This wasn’t anything I was expecting. It’s a photo of various Cong You Bing (green onion pancakes). [Mine is center-left] Note that most of them are … Read more

Someone HAS seen Torchwood

Well, I don’t know how long this will last on YouTube, but obviously, someone else has spotted what could be called Torchwood’s rather obvious nature. Gotta love Dead Ringers… Technorati Tags: Blog, Television, Torchwood, UK, Video, YouTube

Doctor Who – The Invasion – DVD Review

The Invasion
Episode 46
Starring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor
Frazer Hines as Jaime, Wendy Padbury as Zoe and Nicholas Courtney as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Cybernetically enhanced Doctor Who? Not quite, but it has been rebuilt using children’s home recordings and stylistic animation.

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Wednesday night at Chick-Fil-A at 83rd & Bell is free kids meal night, so we bundled the kids in the car and headed out to the western Egyptian side of town to feed the kids cheap. After dinner, Irene took the kids into the playground, while I walked around the shopping complex. I’ve been in … Read more


Old news by now, but I just found out about it. This is a heck of a nice piece of video. I can’t help thinking about that PETA bumper sticker I saw recently that said “Rats were people, too.” Link to video Story from wnbc is here. Technorati Tags: Blog, Restaurant

Taipei Lantern Festival goes Gundam!

Engadget => Gundam Lantern, 1:1 scale, lights up Taiwan lantern festival I love the lantern festival in Taiwan and here’s just one reason why… these lanterns are incredible! I’ve argued in the past that, here in the US, local groups should give up the (mostly lame) Lunar New Year celebration and move right to the … Read more