Rocks and more Rocks…

National Geographic => Stonehenge Didn’t Stand Alone, Excavations Show Recent excavations of Salisbury Plain in southern England have revealed at least two other large stone formations close by the world-famous prehistoric monument. One of the megalithic finds is a sandstone formation that marked a ritual burial mound; the other, a group of stones at the … Read more

Torchwood – End of Days – Reviews, Spoilers

End of Days by Chris Chibnall All that buildup, for nothing… Synopsis Due (presumably) to Owen’s opening of the rift last time, people from other times are being deposited all over the world. The loonies think it is the End of Times as prophesied in many of their various loony books. Jack, being from the … Read more

Alternative Medicine

I don’t think I’ve been ambiguous about my opinion of “alternative schools of medical thought” so my opinion on this should come as no surprise. Now, I don’t deny that the possibility exists that some alternative treatments might prove efficacious, but all they have to do is be proved to work and they’d become mainstream … Read more

iPhone Commercial

OK, I may not have anything to say lately, so it must be time to cross-post someone else’s video about the iPhone… Technorati Tags: Apple, Blog, iPhone, Video, YouTube

iPhone bad news already starting…

TUAW => iPhone Will Not Allow User Installable Applications: Well, my earlier concerns are beginning to bite me already: The impression I got from the information coming out of the keynote was that the device would feature a full install of Mac OS X, and would run any and all desktop-based applications, as indicated by … Read more

Where’s the Mac?

I suppose no blog that even ever remotely deals with Apple issues can avoid mentioning the iPhone today. It’s pretty cool, but… I want to see more about the applications available. Sure, “it’s OSX” but… cell phone carriers like to charge you for every little thing you put on your phone. If programs can be … Read more

A tale of two robots

Depressed as I am about having to write yet another review of a crappy Torchwood episode, I’ve decided to just write a bit about the latest addition to our household: K9 Mk II This story requires a bit of history. A few years ago, probably in 2002, we bought a first-generation iRobot Roomba: K9 Mk … Read more

End of the Dinosaurs?

FOX 31 => Video of Space Debris Amazing video of a meteor breaking up this morning. Update 2007-01-05: This is a Russian rocket booster burning up on re-entry. Technorati Tags: Astronomy, Blog, Science

Torchwood – Captain Jack Harkness – Review, spoilers

Captain Jack Harkness by Catherine Tregenna Jack and Toshiko visit the 1940’s when everyone was happy and gay. Synopsis Jack and Toshiko go to abandoned music hall because of reports of 1940’s music. They are transported, apparently via the rift, to 1941 where they meet Capt. Jack Harkness. It gets confusing at this point, so … Read more