Doctor Who – The Runaway Bride – Review & spoilers

The Runaway Bride by Russell T Davies The Doctor gets a new “temporary” companion in time for Christmas. Synopsis The Doctor has just said “goodbye” to Rose Tyler, trapped in another dimension. He turns from the console only to see a bride, standing, rather impossibly, in the TARDIS. She proves to be more than abrasive … Read more

New FLICKR Badge

I just found a cool bunch of flickr badges and such over at They’re kind of amusing, if you use flickr. The badge above will change every hour. (Or so I’m told.) Technorati Tags: Blog

After Christmas Tally

Another Christmas has come and gone. Here’s my Macbook, finally complete in its two-monitor configuration (surrounded by reassuring clutter.) The wide screen monitor is certainly a wonderful improvement over old 4:30 resolution monitors. The wide screen is great for programming, video editing or just watching videos. I’m surprised that 4:3 monitors survived as long as … Read more

Big Shock – Daleks

BBC News => Doctor battles Daleks in New York The Daleks are poised to do battle in New York in a forthcoming episode from the latest series of Doctor Who. The two-parter will see the show’s star David Tennant and new assistant Martha Jones, played by Freema Agyeman, face their famous foes in 1930s Manhattan. … Read more

The Spirit of Christmas

Christmas Eve is almost over. We’ve prepared the tree, placed all the presents under it, even the ones “from Santa” and even cleared out the front of the fireplace so that Santa had a place to get in. (Why not? You can’t burn anything in a fireplace on any day cold enough to want to … Read more


BBC News => BBC moves to file-sharing sites You know, I would gladly pay the £131.50 ($255.87) television license fee that everyone in the UK with a TV is required to pay that funds the BBC if only I could get the BBC programming. The technology exists, but it is political and contractual barriers that … Read more

A Christmas Shopping Tale

It was a cold, dark, dreary, rainy day. It’s not very often a story about Phoenix starts that way, but that’s what it was like today. I had to go out at lunchtime to try to find a DVI cable for my new monitor. I also needed to get an Apple mini-DVI to DVI dongle … Read more

More Christmas Surprises

My wife is so thoughtful. She goes out of her way to try to surprise me Christmas. I really bad when it goes wrong… but on the other hand, as those wise sages, Morecambe & Wise, once said, the secret of all great comedy is timing. Last night, my wife had to go pick up … Read more

Ratty Xmas

Every year, the neighbors on the corner put up the ugliest nativity scene ever! You can practically see the fleas leaping off the mannequins, and they’re always at least one or two wise men short. Joseph is often missing for days on end. (Well, what with the baby crying all the time and their marriage … Read more