Torchwood Renewed

BBC Press Office => Torchwood to return for second series by way of Little Storping-in-the-Swuff =» Torchwood Renewed Don’t know how I missed this press release, but Torchwood will be back for series two. Now if I could just get them to read my reviews and make a few “corrections” along the path… BBC Three’s … Read more


<PREFACE>I know Lemmings don’t really behave this way.</PREFACE> With my wife working weekends, and having to take care of the kids on my every day off, I don’t get much of a chance to go shopping, especially when holiday season arrives (Holiday season being our anniversary, on the 12th, and that pagan holiday that got … Read more

Holiday Shopping!

In my never-ending quest to make consumerism easy, I’ve joined the Amazon Shops program and added it to my site. I’m not done setting it up, but I’ve started off with some books and DVDs I’m currently reading/watching. Stay tuned as I add more items and new categories. The Lone Locust Shops Technorati Tags: Blog, … Read more

Runaway Bride on YouTube?

I won’t post a link to it because it’s obviously material that shouldn’t have been leaked out and I don’t condone that sort of activity; however, it is a fact, at least as of today, that about 4 minutes of the Runaway Bride (The upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special) are currently available on YouTube. I’m … Read more

Is this irony? Doctor Who didn’t survive Survival.

BBC – Doctor Who News => Survival Coming to DVD April 2007’s Classic Series DVD will be Survival – the last regular adventure of the original TV series. In a year that already sees the release of The Keeper of Traken, Logopolis and Castrovalva, Survival features Anthony Ainley’s final performance as the Doctor’s arch-nemesis. It … Read more

At least I won’t starve…

All day my 4 year old daughter has been coming into my room, asking if I’m hungry and then depositing these paper “chocolates” that she’s been making for me. At least she knows they’re not really for eating, because she hands them to me and says, “These are some chocolates for you, daddy. I made … Read more

Next it will be cockroaches

Saw this on a window in the parking lot at Costco. I’d like to spend a few minutes poking fun at PETA, but they’re such a self-parody already, there’s nothing I can say to make them look worse than they already are. Technorati Tags: Blog, Rant

A Rose by any other name would still have thorns

Do you think that Best Buy calls their cashiers “representatives” so they can get away with paying them less by making them think they’ve got a fancy title? These people never represent anything to me except the human interface to the cash register. Technorati Tags: Blog, Commentary