Make way for the future

I went to Arby’s for lunch today and they’ve got this cool new automated cashier, where you can order your food. I would have tried it but the human cashiers were so desperate to take my order I didn’t get the chance. Guess that’s what happens when your future, unpaid replacement gets brought onto the … Read more

Calling Capt. Jack to the TARDIS. => Capt. Jack Returns to ‘Doctor Who’ SyFy Portal is reporting in an exclusive interview with John Barrowman that Capt. Jack will be appearing in David Tennant’s second season of Doctor Who. According to Barrowman: “I will be in [season] three of ‘Doctor Who,’” he said excitedly. “I will be in the last three … Read more


Decided I wanted to try out a different theme for my page. Finally ran across someone using the exact same WordPress theme the other day and it was rather creepy. Tell me what you think. I’m still tweaking it to my liking. Technorati Tags: Blog

Apple Store Black Friday

I’m not normally one for the whole “Black Friday” shopping thing, but for curiosity’s sake, I wanted to see how my local Apple store (Phoenix – Biltmore) was doing and, perhaps, they’d have some insane unpublicized deal like an iMac for $99 or a new MacBook for $199. Alas, there were no insane deals, but … Read more

Propitious Words of Propitious Days

I asked where the celebration was for Doctor Who’s 43rd anniversary… here it is: In honor of the anniversary, I put on The Hand of Fear and as soon as the music started my son said, “Dok-tor-doo!”. He knows what Doctor Who is! I tested him afterwards, it’s not a mistake, nor wishful parental thinking. … Read more

Where is the celebration?

I had almost forgotten… whenever I have a birthday so too does the good Doctor (within a week, that is) and each year the Doctor stays one year older than me… despite his 900-year Time Lord head start. Even though this is an odd year (43), considering the juggernaut that is the current Doctor Who … Read more

Sometimes we get comments…

I got this comment posted today on one of my older posts. Matt wrote: I must say you are rather generous in your blasting of the McCoy Era. I find your comments irrelevant and uncalled for. Not liking a particular episode or Doctor is fair enough, but you went a little too far. Whether made … Read more

The Sound of Bond… James Bond

Since 1981 (For Your Eyes Only) I’ve generally managed to go to the opening day of each new Bond film. (Although after the disaster that was Goldeneye I was in no particular hurry to go to Tomorrow Never Dies.) When Brosnan started, they shifted the normal opening weekend to be on or about my birthday, … Read more