Forgetting San Diego
I actually started writing my (then journal, now) blog entries back in 1998 because I wanted to remember my travels. This is what happens when that goes wrong.
I actually started writing my (then journal, now) blog entries back in 1998 because I wanted to remember my travels. This is what happens when that goes wrong.
Now that I have a working iPod, it’s become more imperative that I do a little house-keeping with my iTunes library.
One of the perceived problems – or perhaps even injustices – in the United States is that, to be a newscaster or a television personality, you basically have to be good looking. Talented or knowledgeable ugly people need not apply.
Our plan was for this to be our last day in California, but we were not in any hurry to get out of town, and we had contingency plans to stay one more night if we so chose.
Seriously, what it is about some cities that some people get all misty-eyed and pee-in-their-pants excited about?
James has got this thing about fish in aquariums. He loves them. So we figured he’d love Sea World.
The San Diego Zoo is often considered the finest in the world. I don’t know what criteria is involved in making that assessment, so I’ll just pass on the statement without making judgement.
OK, maybe not.
I just cannot imagine anyone else’s in-laws calling you up on iChat to wear a fruit rind on their head…
Researchers on Thursday announced the discovery of the remains of a short-necked plesiosaur