Hacking IKEA
What’s Swedish meatballs without noodles?I’ll tell you what: Not enough food.
What’s Swedish meatballs without noodles?I’ll tell you what: Not enough food.
So, does anyone know any particular type jokes that Steve Jobs likes?
We finally put together Michelle’s new IKEA bed.Usually, I don’t find IKEA furniture particularly difficult to assemble, but this was just a royal pain.It wasn’t difficult to understand or follow the directions, it’s just when you start with a bag of hardware the size of a 10lb bag of supermarket ice, you know you’re in for an evening’s fun.We moved the bed to the opposite side of the room from her old bed so that, during the night, when she bumps the walls, she’ll stopping waking up her brother in the next room.Now she’ll be waking us up.
TV Scoop => Return of The Raniack when I was a lad…er…OK slightly more than a lad – we’re talking the 80s – one of Doctor Who’s most evil enemies (and you know he had a whole slew of evil enemies, so think cream of the crop, head honcho, with a heart even blacker than the blackest black of Douglas Adams’ black controls which are labeled in black on a black background, where a small black light lights up all black to let you know you’ve used one) was The Rani.Said report goes on to indicate that the Rani will be returning on next season’s Doctor Who.What is this dreadful fascination with the Rani?
Yesterday’s UpdateToday I’ve pretty much eliminated everything else I could on the MacBook problems.
Follow up to More Macbook WeirdnessI found a nice write-up on the Apple Support forum for Macbooks concerning the random power off problem.
MacBook power off and wireless problems are beginning to tick me off.
Oh, it’s so cute…
It’s hot, it’s humid, in a word, it’s nasty here this week.
The Third Doctor, still exiled on 20th Century Earth by the Time Lords is hunted down by a force coming through a black hole from an anti-matter universe. UNIT puts up a valiant fight but are ultimately overwhelmed.