Who Music

Much though I love Doctor Who and have for many, many years (1975 or 1976 to be exact), there’s one thing that can be said… the incidental music has always been a bit… clanky. It’s too loud, it’s crude, jarring… but… I own all the soundtracks anyway.

Dinosaurs Bite Back

While it might be amusing, it isn’t my policy to bring notice about every evangelical to be arrested, but this one is particularly satisfying. (It’s too much to hope that they’d all be put in jail.)

eBay Madness

No, this isn’t a blatant attempt to drive traffic towards my eBay auction, but it is an interesting experiment.Two weeks ago, I put these speakers up for auction. They’re a really nice, used pair of Bose 901s, and they sold for about $583, which I consider to be a low figure, but, hey, you get what ya get.

Oolon Coolophid Lives

You see? Science and blinkered superstition can get along just fine, as long as you don’t question the church’s cash cow.

Unlikely Time Capsule

How cool is this? (Unless you were on this train, that is.) 81 years ago this train is stuck in the collapse of a tunnel and now they might dig it out. Perhaps they’ll finally be able to deliver those old letters that were bound to be in the mail car?

Maintenance Blogging

I just haven’t had much time lately, so have I got a backlog of stuff… guess I’m going to post it in condensed form, otherwise, I’d be typing all month.

Phoenix Light Rail Madness

We actually took the kids to Steele Indian School Park for the Fourth of July show this year.For many years, the big fireworks show was held downtown, and, by coincidence, we have a friend who owns a house within a couple blocks, so every years we used to go to his front yard.Then, a couple years ago, they moved the show to the new park, which is 2 miles from our house.

The Fate of Rose – Speculation

This morning as I was driving to work, I had a revelation. Like all revelations, it’s probably just complete bunk, but it is mine nonetheless. It ties up a couple of loose strands running through this season’s episodes of Doctor Who. The first is Rose.