Sailing with Long John Silver

Nothing much to report on this one, but we went to Long John Silver’s for lunch today and, not only did we have really fresh fish and chicken, but James decided he was going to use a fork to feed himself. You can also see Michelle her modeling her pirate hat. Technorati Tags: Blog, Family, … Read more

Farty G?

Somebody at Ikea must know what that are doing before they name these products!

Costco Employee of the Month

This picture is from lunchtime the other day. John must have been doing something right in the wardrobe department because he was mistaken for a Costco employee and asked for assistance not once, but twice!

Bad Wolf – Bad Writing

I didn’t write reviews for last season’s Doctor Who episodes, but there was one thing that’s been bugging me.This year, as mentioned, Russell T. Davies has been trying to pummel us senseless with the constant and absurdly out-of-place Torchwood references.

Growing children are like growing trees?

Michelle recently had her 4th birthday.When she was born, we had a tree planted in our front yard, and each year we’ve taken a picture of her with it. This is the first year I’ve actually stitched them all together to see how times flies…

Cyberman Invasion!

Cool news out of Great Britain today, the classic 2nd Doctor 8-Part serial, the Invasion, has been inconveniently missing parts 1 and 4, preventing it from being released.

First Day of School

Monday was Michelle’s first day of “real” school, sort of.The school year technically starts in August, but they also hold summer school, so we decided to get her a head start (and, for my wife’s sake, get her out of the house) early.It’s an all-day school, so by the time she got home on her first day, she was out for the count. The family had a quiet day and a quiet evening, how refreshing!We think she likes school.


In 2001 when we went to Taiwan they had a new novelty food item, street vendors were selling hot dogs and sausages with handles, rather like a corn dog. The novelty that made it uniquely Taiwanese (and probably proves Taiwan has no board of health) was that the “handle” was…