Implications of the world of Ashes to Ashes

I’ll not review the finale of Ashes to Ashes as an episode, I never really reviewed the finale of Life on Mars, nor have I been reviewing either series on an episode by episode basis. There’s no reason for me to start that now. That notwithstanding, I’ve faithfully watched both series from day one. I had more affinity for Life on Mars probably because my age my closely matches Sam Tyler’s and because the mystery of the series was more unique and pronounced than then post-Life on Mars finale world of Ashes to Ashes.

If you’ve not watched these series, be aware that no discussion of the end of either of these series could be considered spoiler-free. You have been warned. Really, if you haven’t watched Life on Mars and you ever think you might (and you should) don’t read this post. It will ruin the show for you.

Read more after the break…

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The Silurians – Lost in Time

The Silurians, a classic Doctor Who “monster” have returned to our screens in Chris Chibnall’s new story The Hungry Earth. Sadly, the story has not done anything, so far, to correct an unfortunately horrid series of errors placing them in geologic time. In fact, by adding one more piece, he’s compounded the error yet again. … Read more

Five years, really?

I happened to be reading one of the blogs I normally peruse at lunch today and I noticed they were celebrating their fifth anniversary. Honestly, it have never even occurred to me to have “anniversaries” for a blog. In any case, that got me looking to see how old my blog was. And the answer … Read more

Doctor Who – Review – Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone – Spoilers

We’ve heading into uncharted territory now. Historically, I’ve reviewed most new Doctor Who episodes right here on the blog, but now that we’re doing the Fusion Patrol Podcast, I’ve been letting it slip. The fact is, we’re not really doing reviews at the podcast. I’ve likened to a book club discussion, although, not having attended … Read more

No Reason, just feel guilty

I’ve got no real to make a blog post this morning, I just feel like I’ve been neglecting the blog lately. Ben and I have put out three episodes of the Fusion Patrol Podcast and we’ve got over a hundred subscribers, which boggles my mind. Pretty good considering we’re just rambling on about Doctor Who. … Read more


Last week, Ben and I put together our first podcast. I’ve decided to revive Fusion Patrol in a slightly different format. Originally, Fusion Patrol (made for public access television) was intended to be a community affairs type program for the science fiction community. It was supposed to be news and events and a showcase for … Read more