Train walk

Took advantage of the glorious weather today (72 degrees) to walk from the train station at 44th St & Washington to the Cofco Chinese Center. 8 minutes 50 seconds at a determined yet leisurely pace. Perfectly acceptable in late February. In July = heat death.

“Furlough”- Day 2

Watched games 4 and 5 of the Chappel-Hadley Cup between New Zealand and Australia. The series was a draw (dammit) and Australia retained the cup. Went to try Pollo Campero – well, can’t really see what drives the South Americans wild about it, but it wasn’t bad. Filled some gaps in the driveway. Nice weather.

iMovie ’09 – Review

It’ time to review iMovie ’09, the only other piece (apart from iPhoto) that has much interest for me in iLife. In the interest of full disclosure, I made the move to the Macintosh just so that I could use Final Cut Pro. I learned to edit video on an ancient linear U-matic editor. I … Read more

First day of furlough

Wednesday was day 1 of 18 without pay. Luckily, I had some side computer work that netted me about 1 day’s pay. Got a haircut. Got some business calling cards. Treated myself to an ice cream cone. Didn’t play Wii at all during the day. Somehow I thought that’s all I’d be doing on these … Read more

England – Fading on the Horizon

The shoe finally fell tonight. We’ve known for weeks approximately what was going to happen, but we’ve been in a holding pattern to see what form it would take. The State of Arizona, like all the states is experiencing a drastic turn-down in tax revenue. Like many governments, Arizona spends its tax money before it … Read more

The future of creepy weird

I’ve been playing around with iPhoto ’09 for the last few days and, on the whole, I’m impressed. Unlike some claims I’ve heard, it does not cause my (1st generation) MacBook’s fans to spin up or even seem to bog down the computer. Faces is an interesting technology and it makes a pretty good shot … Read more

They won’t be doing my taxes

Flyers on the door. How I hate flyers on the door. They never advertise anything I want. (usually a church or a landscaping service) and they waste natural resources and create liter. Once in a while, though, the idiocy of one takes my breath away. Here’s a scan of one that showed up on the … Read more

Big Cats

The question I ask is… do I trust a story in The Sun? The official confirmation came yesterday — proving thousands of members of the public have been right for years. Forestry workers conducting deer surveys have TWICE got within 50 yards of the fearsome creatures in the wild, it was revealed. These so-called “fearsome … Read more