How I feel when Windows is in the House

Once again, the comedy duo of Gates and Seinfeld are at it again. This time, the explain what the commercial is about and the message isn’t good: “Connecting” with people is like an awkward pairing of dysfunctional people trying to live together, which ends with Gates and Seinfeld being kicked out of the house. Yep, … Read more

Mac Mini – Cable Maxi

I mentioned that I got my new Mac Mini to replace my antique G4, but what I failed to mention was that I still had an older Cinema Display that’s still gorgeous (if not wide screen aspect) but it uses the older, proprietary ADC connection – which not only supplied power to the monitor, but … Read more

Gates & Seinfeld Plug American Express?

Hit tip to Little-Storping-On-The-Swuff for bringing to my attention that these much-anticipated Jerry Seinfeld/Bill Gates Commercials had begun to appear. Unfortunately, I haven’t see it on the air yet, but that’s probably because I’m not in the target demographic and don’t watch the Home Shopping Network, anyway. Some people, apparently, think these are quite funny. … Read more

Playing Catch Up

Has the novelty worn off or have I just nothing to say? (Did I ever?) For whatever the reason, I haven’t felt much like blogging lately, not that there isn’t just scads of things going on. I’ve been going through the photos and here are a few that bear mentioning, just to catch everybody up. … Read more

Biggles Buys a Book

If you’re like me and you’ve watched a lot of British television you’re bound to have seen references to Biggles (that’s Major James Bigglesworth to you) – the quintessential British air ace. Biggles is a fictional boys-adventure series of books spanning from the 1930s to the 1950s. However, if you’re American, even if you’ve heard … Read more

Avon’s Smile

I can’t do the smile in a blog post, but… despite it still showing up on my shared computer list, Liberator, my first Mac (Dual 1.33ghz, G4 PowerMac) is dead. The naming convention doesn’t make much sense, but our second Mac was Scorpio, my wife’s eMac, now replaced by an iMac (hence the snazzy iMac … Read more