
No, we didn’t go to Legoland. However, while visiting the Apple Store at Chandler Fashion Mall I learned that there is a Lego Store in the mall. How cool is that? So, as James is really hot on Lego Indiana Jones, we thought it might he time to graduate the kids up to Legos. After … Read more

Library Science

Library science has always fascinated me. First, because I love books, second because I’m an extremely disorganized person. It always seemed simple enough – far too simple to be something you actually need a college degree in. Now, finally, I understand why! You’ve got to be trained professional to install fish tanks in the Library … Read more

Moffat on a Hat Trick

And this couldn’t be any more richly deserved… Future Doctor Who Executive Producer Steven Moffat has scooped his third Hugo Award in a row. Blink, written by Steven and directed by Hettie Macdonald, beat off strong competition from Paul Cornell’s two-parter Human Nature/The Family of Blood and Catherine Treganna’s Torchwood episode Captain Jack Harkness to … Read more

007 on Top

I happened to hit the wrong sort order today on my iTunes, bringing the “most played” songs to the top. I must say, I was a bit surprised at the results. I can only imagine that I must have put a 007 playlist on and left for vacation. Only one non-007 song cracked the top … Read more

Fresh & Easy Chopsticks

We just picked up some California rolls at Fresh & Easy and the package comes with these disposible, collapsable chopsticks. Half plastic, half wood – how green can that be? Update: Here’s a picture of “green” chopsticks. 🙂


I just watched the first episode if a new BBC series entitled Bonekickers. It’s about a team of archaeologists. I have but one question to ask: Do they cast and write these shows just to create material for Dead Ringers to send up?

More sleazy union tactics

Tomorrow, the Fresh & Easy near my house will finally open (it’s about 8 months late). Once again, the scumbag union – with obviously way too much money at their disposal – are canvasing the neighborhoods, leaving glossy fliers to try to sabotage Fresh & Easy’s business. I suppose that’s what unions do, isn’t it? … Read more

Everyone gets into the act

First the Catholics tell us that Jesus was a cracker… Sorry, that a cracker is Jesus and now the Presbyterians are getting into the act by telling us god (de-emphasis mine) is a verb. I guess that’s just one of the problems of allowing faith-based schools.

Apple Store

Apple opened up their fifth Apple store in Arizona yesterday and the fourth in the Phoenix metro area. This location is at the Arrowhead Towne Center which must have been a difficult choice for Apple. Apple seems to like to choose upscale shopping venues, but those are few and far between on the west side … Read more