Something queer is happening at at Lady Edison’s estate and it isn’t just her sons, it’s murder most foul!
Steven Moffat and Doctor Who. It’s Christmastime in Doctor Who land.
Steven Moffat, Doctor Who’s finest writer has been named the new lead writer and executive producer, replacing the departing Russell T. Davies. It can’t get any better than that.
Am I behind?
Yes, I am. Four episodes of Doctor Who behind on the reviews… guess I’d better get to it. It’s just… I don’t know… It’s just that this season really isn’t inspiring me much. Fine… in honor of Dan Vettori getting his name up on the honours board at Lords for a 5-wicket test, and Jacob … Read more
Doctor Who – Planet of the Ood – Review (Spoilers)
There’s something a little ood about this episode.
Proving once again that no costume is inexpensive enough to use only once, the Ood have returned.
Much though I hate talking about politics and the international situations, I can’t pass up a cheap shot at the butchers in China. Hat Tip to the Foreigner in Formosa for finding this gem.
Blakes 7 – Again and Again
BBC News => Blake’s 7 poised for Sky comeback The satellite channel has given the green light for the development of two 60-minute scripts for a “potential event series”. Hurray for Sky! I can only hope that it was the BBC that made the mistake about adding the “‘” intro the title and not Sky. … Read more
McCullum (and Cricket and stuff)
Spoilers, I suppose. Well, the Indian Premiere League (IPL) is off to a flyer. The first match, between the Kolkata Knight Riders and the Royal Challengers Bangalore was a rout. Bangalore lost by 140 runs. Since 140 runs isn’t a bad Twenty20 score on an Indian wicket, that’s like loosing by an entire game. Not … Read more
Advent: IPL
I don’t care what the stuck-up, toffy-nosed “Test Cricket”, cricket-must-be-boring-and-take-5-days snobs say, I, for one, have been enjoying the India Cricket League Twenty20 matches and am looking forward to the India Premiere League games, too. How could you not, with adverts like this one?
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Amen)
Ben Stein’s epic motion picture, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is set to debut this weekend. It’s a sweeping tale of lies, corruption, deception, censorship, bad science, dummy corporations, mendacity and the incredible lengths that some people will go to hide the truth from the public, and most importantly, our children. Don’t waste your money to … Read more
Doctor Who – The Fires of Pompeii – Review (Spoilers)
Pompeii? Vesuvius? Volcano Day? How could you go wrong?