Reptiles make tracks

Just cool paleontological news… BBC NEWS => Ancient reptile tracks unearthed The earliest evidence for the existence of reptiles has been found in Canada.The 315 million-year-old fossilised tracks give an insight into a key milestone in the history of life, when animals left water to live on dry land. The footprints suggest reptiles evolved between … Read more

New Radio Technology

I don’t normally get to pass on local news! From => Scottsdale woman claims cyanide cloud in Sedona A Scottsdale woman is behind bars for making a bizarre claim up in Sedona. Christine Ann Long told people at two gas stations and two hotels that a giant cloud of cyanide was coming up from … Read more


With all the bombastic rhetoric about militant “new” atheism that’s being shoveled around like so much fresh fertilizer, I found this (somewhat old) blog post to be about the most succinct answer to those claims I’ve read, and more than worthy of being spread as far and wide as possible. Cheers to the The Secular … Read more

If sitcoms were written in Arizona – AZ 511

It’s a good thing that (to my knowledge) no sitcom writing teams live and work in Arizona, because if they did, AZ 511 would be airing right after America’s Most Asinine Idol – or whatever that puss-bucket of a show is called. For those not in the know, AZ 511 is Arizona’s state-of-the-art information system … Read more

Blog Action Day – Sustainable Farming

Apparently, today is “Blog Action Day”, where bloggers are supposed to write about “green” issues. Never one to buck a vapid meme, I’ve decided to write about Shaun The Sheep. I’m really pleased to see a program, such as Shaun The Sheep, set on a smallholding farm. It’s been too long on our TV screens … Read more

Affinity for Lactose

I’m sure these would run afoul of some country’s “truth in advertising” laws – but not here. Link from Technorati Tags: Blog, Japan, Japanese, Video


James wakes up yesterday morning, stumbles sleepily into the living room, plops down on the floor and what does he say? “Good morning, daddy”? No, he says, “I want a mango smoothie.” Luxury! When I was a lad, we counted ourselves lucky if we got a lump of old coal ground up in a glass … Read more

iPhoto Book

I’ve had iPhoto for years and, time and time again, I’ve been sorely tempted to create an iPhoto book. In fact, I’ve started to create several – none of which I’ve been ultimately happy with and so never had them published. They’re so beguiling, aren’t they? I’ve seen them in the Apple store and they … Read more

Waste heat

Speaking of science, here’s the cool kind… or, perhaps you could say the “hot” kind. Clemson University is working on producing more efficient thermoelectric materials. Thermoelectric materials are used to make thermoelectric generators – a solid-state technology that converts heat to energy. Any process, such as automobile engines, that produces waste heat can be harnessed … Read more

No wonder we can’t get enough science majors in college

Michelle has the week off from school. We’d originally kicked around the idea of going to Disneyland. It was too expensive, so that became, “What a great week to work on the second half of the kitchen cabinet renovation. After the car accident, that deteriorated into, “Maybe we could finish the secondary bathroom renovation.” After … Read more