Daleks Bring Good news!

Destiny of the Daleks, one the lamest Dalek episodes episodes ever (and that’s saying a lot) has been announced for upcoming release. Ho hum, I’d rather see Horns of Nimon or Creature from the Pit. The really great news is listed on the DVD extras list for that release: Coming Soon – trail for forthcoming … Read more

Flat-Earthers, round two. They’ve brought in the “big guns” this time.

The Huffington Post => New “View” Co-Host Sherri Shepherd Doesn’t Know If World Is Flat After declaring she didn’t “believe in evolution, period,” new “View” co-host Sherri Shepherd was asked if she thought the world was flat. Her response to moderator Whoopi Goldberg is in the clip… Wonderful, this moron has a TV show. Taking … Read more

Car Crash

Do you ever have on of those nights where everyone wants to go somewhere to dinner that you don’t want to go? I had one of those nights tonight, pity I didn’t put up a struggle. We were returning from dinner, traveling south down 7th street. We were stopped by the traffic light that enters … Read more

Changes Coming… soon

Actually, the mark of 100% success of the upcoming changes is that no one will notice. I’m in the process of migrating my 6 or so different domains onto a new hosting service, hostmonster.com. So far it’s working out that I’m paying less, getting more and the customer service (so far) has been great. The … Read more

Don’t let evil win

Bad Astronomy Blog => Kent Hovind: creationist liar and evil, evil, evil Kent Hovind is an evil creationist liar who is currently cooling his backside in prison, convicted for evading $840,000 in taxes. That’s the good news. It’s downhill from there. His group, Creation Science Evangelism, has been on a pogrom — a jihad, if … Read more

Darts, version 2

After few well-placed (or poorly-placed) darts in the door, it became necessary to rethink my new darts setup. A backboard was certainly in order – which forced me to move the board a little closer to the wall, and some dedicated lighting was necessary. It looks so much like a fine-art piece now that I … Read more

Getting old…


A significant portion of my childhood was spent camping. My father loves camping. He has since before I was born. My parents went camping every available weekend. After I was born, the pace didn’t slow down, and as I grew up every school break was certain to be spent camping.

I’ve logged a lot of hours camping. I’ve been on camping trips that were two months long. I’ve camped in every state this side of Texas.

Nonetheless, when I moved out to go to university, my camping days mostly stopped. The span between trips went from being measured in weeks to being measured in years.

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And now for sport…

I’ve been enjoying the Natwest ODI cricket series between England and India and decided that I needed to get more active. My choices: See if I could join an Arizona Cricket league, or break out the darts board for the first time in 15 years, The darts board won. I can’t see myself standing at … Read more

Mother’s Day is a lot older than we thought

It’s been a while since I blogged any paleontology news… Families: 260 Million years, and counting. Reuters => Fossil shows parents doted 260 million years ago LONDON (Reuters) – Parents have been doting over their offspring for a very, very long time, it seems. A South African fossil suggests pelycosaurs — intermediates between reptiles and … Read more

Carnivore Day

So we’re going through the school lunch menu for October and notice that October 1 is designated “National Vegetarian Day” and, more importantly, none of the choices for lunch contain meat. Coincidence? I think not. No other day in the month contains completely meatless choices. Now, that’s all fine and dandy, I suppose, but where’s … Read more