We Hate Slitheen

BBC => Slitheen For Sarah Jane Raxacoricofallapatorians return for spin-off show. New CBBC series The Sarah Jane Adventures will feature the return of some familiar Doctor Who enemies when it debuts later this month. The Slitheen, a family of scheming monsters first seen in Aliens of London / World War Three are back – and … Read more

New Playset

Our new playset for the kids was installed today. It’s not quite finished, a circular slide is still on backorder but for now it’s done. It’s taller than I thought, though. It’s actually taller than my house in the back, which mean the little sh*ts who live in the apartments can easily see it. I … Read more

Apple TV & iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store? Why Not?

Poor old Apple TV, always a bridesmaid, never a bride… Still, now that Apple has built up the infrastructure in iTunes to allow the new iPods to purchase video from the Internet and sync it back to your iTunes library, I wonder if that will also be a quiet upgrade for the Apple TV anytime … Read more

A Rest for the Doctor?

BBC – Press Office => Doctor Who: Series five After months of media speculation, BBC One can confirm that the Bafta-award winning Doctor Who will return for a fifth series in spring 2010. That’s the good news… the bad news is that 2009 will not have a regular series, just three specials. Apparently to accommodate … Read more

Congratulations to Reason… for once.

As I mentioned earlier, blogger PZ Myers was being sued for calling someone’s crackpot science… well, he called it “crackpot.” The good news is in, the suit is being dropped, presumably because it didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Saudi Arabia. Since “crackpot” means eccentric or impractical, I guess the suit was crackpot, too.

Free Speech – and right of criticism – Under Assault! (There’s a catchy title, eh?)

This is an appalling development, which was brought to my attention via Richarddawkins.net (but ultimately came from Boing Boing) PZ Myers sued for a negative review in a blog post by Boing Boing PZ Myers, Ph.D., Division of Science & Math, University of Minnesota, Morris, says: I’m in an interesting situation. I wrote a very … Read more

Radiant Heat Barrier

Just before we left for Taiwan, we finally had a radiant heat barrier installed in our attic. We’d been talking about it for years but were skeptical of the dramatic claims of energy savings. The very day it was installed, we were positive we could notice a difference in the cooling pattern in the house. … Read more

Plateosaurus Mass Grave

It’s been a while since I posted any paleontology news. Reuters => Dinosaur mass grave discovered in Switzerland ZURICH (Reuters) – An amateur paleontologist in Switzerland may have unearthed Europe’s largest dinosaur mass grave after he dug up the remains of two Plateosaurus. The article goes on to say that the area might contain as … Read more