Typhoon Day – October 2, 2005


The typhoon is over. The central part of Taiwan took the direct hit and there is damage and injuries, but not too many.

Once the typhoon hit the central mountain range of the island (which peaks at 4000 meters) the eye collapsed and the wind got knocked out of the storm, although it is expected to strengthen again as it heads for China.

It turns out there’s not much you can do on a typhoon day except stay inside.

James took the opportunity to stand up in his crib to show off. He didn’t have much to do during the day either.

Around noon, it looks as if the worst was over, and I wanted to go forage for food. Irene’s mom; however, felt that no one should go outside for fear of sudden death, so I snuck out with the idea of calling Irene to come “help” me, thus giving her an excuse to get out of the house.

Despite the fact that there hadn’t been any rain for an hour, as soon as I stepped outside it began to drizzle. I tried to go towards the big park nearby, but once I was out of the narrow canyons formed by the buildings, the storm was brewing again.

I was about to give up when it calmed again, so I tired a different direction, figuring if I stayed on the backstreets I’d be protected from most of the storm if it came back.

I made it as far as a small park in the other direction, where quite a few people were out with the kids. While I sat there, the storm came back with a vengeance, collapsing peoples’ umbrellas right and left and ripping signs off buildings.

I was well-sheltered at a park table under heavy trees, but finally I decided I needed to head back, dry or not. The only things left on the street apart from myself were lost umbrellas being blown in the wind and two Japanese women consulting an “Eating Guide To Taipei” guidebook. I suspect they were looking for Din Tai Fung, which wasn’t far away, but they clearly couldn’t get oriented.

On my way back, getting soaked, I realized that the wind was blowing in the opposite direction. Apparently the storm was now of the outgoing side, as the storm continued for many more hours.

Around 7:00 PM it was over, the skies were clear with just a few high clouds. The air was clear and refreshing, a rarity for Taipei, so we went for a long walk with James, while grandma and grandpa took Michelle to the park to play.