Din Tai Fung Wins!

We went to the newer Din Tai Fung location today, which is just around the corner from Michelle’s school.

They win, hands down, for most ambitious attempt at a cool bathroom: They actually have electronic Japanese toilets.

The only thing is, I know they’re self cleaning, but I’m a little dicey about the cleanliness of the ones I’ve got in my own home, and I know who’s been using those! I’m not sure I want my rear end washed by a public butt washer.


I like the new Din Tai Fung better than the old one, the restaurant is more spacious, and the observation window to the high-tech dumpling making area is on the inside so you can watch them make the food while you eat, not just before you get into the store as at the other location.

*Incidentally, I was shooting in Black and White today, so don’t adjust the color on your monitor.