Crazy Jim’s Pizza

Crazy Jim’s has been just around the corner from my house for years, and I must admit, I don’t go there very often. Not because I don’t enjoy it, but just because it’s small, crowded and a little on the expensive side.

The picture here was taken in August when we made our first “review” visit, but I was not feeling well that evening and came down sick the next day. I felt it probably had impacted my enjoyment of my pizza and so decided not to review at that time.

Last week we tried again with more success.

Crazy Jim’s is always busy and they should be, they make a good pizza.

One thing I really like about Crazy Jim’s is that, for dine-in customers, they’ll only make a 9″ pizza. I don’t know why they do that, but I’d like to think they’re standing on principal: “Smaller pizzas are always better and if you’re dining in we’re going to serve you the best pizza we can. If you’re traking a pizza to go, you probably don’t care about quality anyway, so let them eat big pies.”

I’d like to think that’s it, anyway. In the absence of testimony to the contrary, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.

There’s nothing I’d classify as outstanding about their pizza, except that it’s consistently well-prepared and cooked. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it, but it is a little on the expensive side.

They also serve greek food which is pretty good, too.

9″ Pepperoni, $8.75 or $0.14in2 (0.138)

Conclusion: recommended

Crazy Jim’s Restaurant
4041 N 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

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