The Devil’s in the Details => Up jumps the ‘Da Vinci’ devil

There’s no doubt that the book the Da Vinci Code has taken the world by storm. But is it a good story or something more sinister? Apparently, a group of nuts believe it might the work of “the devil.”

(For those of you unfamiliar with the story, the devil, or Satan, was an angel, created by a mythical all-powerful being called “god”. Apparently this god fellow was so powerful he was perfect and can do absolutely anything, but somehow he imperfectly created an angel who turned against him, and yet somehow this perfect, all powerful being can’t stop Satan, either. Luckily, myths don’t have to make sense.)

Despite the hype, now that the movie is playing, the verdict seems to be that this is a dreadfully boring movie. So how does a blockbuster novel become a dreadfully boring film? Is it god? Did god make this film boring? Is that the best he can do? Practically any film school student can make a boring film and we can at least prove film schools exist.

No, I think it’s something more sinister. It must be a conspiracy. Consider the facts:

  • The novel is a blockbuster
  • Ron Howard is by all accounts a competent director
  • Many powerful people in “the church” didn’t want this film made

Could it be that they conspired to make this film boring?

Any blockbuster novel is almost guaranteed to be optioned to be a big budget movie. What if the dark, shadowy figured of “the church”, through the use of secret funds and hidden corporations, arranged for themselves to have the option of making the film so that others would not have the opportunity?

Then they arranged to have the film made, but made boring, so that people would loose interest in it and spend their hard-earned money in the collection box instead of the box office.

It is a dark world indeed.

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