Davies too cheap to let the Doctor fly and be free

BBC News => Cost ‘keeps Doctor Who on earth’

Russell T. Davies had this to say recently,

“People will say, ‘Why doesn’t he visit alien planets more often?'” he said. “But that’s because they are expensive. They’re hugely expensive.”

Davies also told Doctor Who magazine that these episodes gained the lowest viewing figures of the series.

“The programmes that do show alien planets are not prime-time programmes,” he said.

“Star Trek and Stargate are subscription-based programmes for a dedicated audience.”

OK, that’s just nonsense.

OK, the part about it being expensive isn’t. The stuff about alien planets being “not prime-time” is just silly. Just write better alien planet stories.

It’s interesting to note that on the Inferno DVD bonus features there’s a documentary where Terrance Dicks, story editor during that time, talks about the problems with being stuck on Earth. The bottom line is, you only have two plots: Alien invasion and mad scientist. That should play great from Torchwood, though.

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