Last of the photos(?)


On my first trip to Taiwan, using a film camera, I took nearly 40 photographs, most of them awful.

On this trip, using two digital cameras (and the trip being almost 3 times as long), I saved almost 2,000 photos, after having deleted at least another 1,000 for a variety of reasons.

Somehow most of them are still awful.

I’ve just posted the last of the photos from this trip to flickr, in my Taiwan 2007 set. Now I just have to figure out why my iPhoto says I took 1578 photos and the flickr set only contains 1545 – a slight imbalance of 33 photos.

Incidentally, I post (or try to post) every photo I decide to keep not because the world might be watching, but as a backup just in case someone went wrong with the MacBook, the sole copy of the original photos. (I have other backup strategies, but it’s an expedient one when traveling.)

Since i had time on my hands, I’ve gone back and made sure that all my photos from my last trip are now in the Taiwan 2005 set. I’m thinking of looking around and finding similar photos (a “then and now” sort of thing) and highlighting them.

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