The Peace Poles


There’s a movement, started apparently in Japan after World War II to plant Peace Poles around the world.

Notwithstanding the efficacy of this approach towards actually achieving world peace, not too long ago they came to Taiwan. A group of Japanese went to certain important locations around Taiwan and placed these poles.

One of which, seen here, is near Alishan.

Now, I have nothing against this sort of thing, unless my tax dollars are being used for it, but it’s largely a non-event to my mind.

Not so, apparently, in Taiwan, as some people were protesting because the poles had been placed without benefit of a feng shui consultant and were ruining the feng shui of the of the island.

I had read about this “controversy” some time ago when they were placed, but I never expected to see one! I know my feng shui felt all out of kilter when I walked past.

If I though they had a feng shui practitioners union in Taiwan, I’d be inclined to blame this on them.

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