
Why is jetlag sometimes so difficult to overcome and other times easy?

I can’t seem to shake it this time. I thought I’d won out against it yesterday. I’d managed to sleep (with a couple interruptions – Michelle has conjunctivitis and a cold) almost all Friday night, Saturday, I was awake all day. I thought I had it beat.

I slept reasonably well Saturday night (again, with Michelle being sick, it wasn’t an uninterrupted night) and today everything was going fine.

About 3:00PM, though, my eyes were tired and my back hurting a bit, so I closed my eyes, with the notion of resting a few minutes. Now, it’s 11:00PM and I’m wide awake. Everything’s thrown off again.

(This is my happy face 🙂 , this is my not happy face 🙁 , I’m not 🙂 right now, I’m, 🙁 )

The only good news is that now, as of 12:30AM, I’ve located all those missing photos that I hadn’t uploaded t flickr and put them up there. None of them were particularly interesting, just a few that got missed for various reasons.

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