The Lovely City of Phoenix

I haven’t had much to post lately, so I thought I’d post something to complain on behalf of my neighbors down the street. Oh, they don’t know I’m complaining on their behalf, to be sure, this is just my civic mindedness kicking in.

Personally, I subscribe to the eco-friendly concept of zeroscaping.

Lawns are an abomination against nature in the desert – and don’t get me started about golf courses. Nonetheless, I can appreciate the time, effort and expense involved in maintaining a nice yard. Why, just last week, my neighbor’s entire family was out in the yard, cutting the grass, pulling the weeds, trimming the trees (and putting up xmas lights weeks too early.)

They timed it, I suspect, to coincide with “big trash collection”, that quarterly event where the City of Phoenix deigns to pick up garbage bigger than one container. Over a one-week period, everyone is supposed to pill their large trash (often tree branches and other construction debris) at the front of their property (not blocking the sidewalk) and they’ll come and get it.

The City also thoughtfully uses a small front loader to scrape up the trash and put it in the truck. The results can be seen here, where they’ve completely removed the turf from the ground.

Way to go Phoenix! We love you, too.


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