Dec 21, Geocache 1

It’s another fine December morning, and the family has been called out to the dark side of Egypt (read: Chandler’s) for a Taiwanese picnic. So, typically, I’m eschewing the picnic in favor solitary peregrinations. There are a fair number of gepcaches in the area. This is the first one I found.

New Xmas Tree

Friday was Chu-Wan’s and my 10th wedding anniversary. During our marriage, we’ve been planting trees. Out first Xmas was spent in Singapore on our honeymoon, so we weren’t at home. On our second Xmas we got a live Xmas tree and when Xmas was over, we planted it in the back yard. It’s now over … Read more

Novel Writing without Thomas Hardy

It’s been a long time coming. Ten years, in fact, since I first formulated the idea for Fusion Patrol: 1999 as a Public Access TV series. Sadly, due to significant logistical problems that proved to be our undoing, we only got as far as producing the pilot episode, The Last Pizza and about 60% of … Read more

Fun with traffic – Taiwan

Here’s an amusing little video from Taiwan (fortunately, I don’t think anyone was too badly hurt.) In Taiwan, scooters are supposed to drive on the right, and when they want to make a left turn they are supposed to cross straight across the intersection, then stop, reposition their scooter and continue to the left when … Read more

A day at the solar-powered zoo

It’s a beautiful day in Phoenix. The sky is blue and the temperature is pleasantly in the high 60s. So we took the kids to the zoo and it was just gorgeous. But, the zoo is the zoo. This post is just to show a picture of the solar-powered garbage cans. Edit: 11-30-2008: Here’s more … Read more

Another MacBook problem

Here’s one thing I hate: Starting blog posts with the sentence, “I love my MacBook, but…” Sadly, this is another of those posts. My MacBook is a early serial number, first revision MacBook. It’s only a Core Duo and it doesn’t have 802.11n wireless, but it’s been a good computer – when it’s working. It’s … Read more

Risible politicians and quizes

I would appear that a simple civics (and basic economics) test manages to fox most Americans. The so-called “average person” scores an appalling 49%, while (I would say, predictably) elected officials only score 44%. Even when you take into account that the “average” person is… well, by definition… not one of our brightest lights, that’s … Read more