Comfort in Geocaching

A while back I posted my video about my dad’s final request – to have his ashes scattered at one of his favorite viewpoints in the mountains. My dad was never interested in geocaching, but my wife, kids and I are and we placed a new geocache – the only one we’ve ever placed – … Read more

Dec 21, Geocache 5

Ok, so I’ve come to my last geocache for the day, I’ve wandered about 6 km today. So, what was purpose for blogging this? This time I’m equipped with new technology. I’m still using my trusty Garmin GPS but these days the support for Mac OSX is much better. More significantly, I’ve got the iPhone. … Read more

Dec 21, Geocache 4

The park we’re at is quite large, but eventually the park runs out and then you’re nowhere. This geocache has no doubt caused a lot of bloodshed.

Dec 21, Geocache 1

It’s another fine December morning, and the family has been called out to the dark side of Egypt (read: Chandler’s) for a Taiwanese picnic. So, typically, I’m eschewing the picnic in favor solitary peregrinations. There are a fair number of gepcaches in the area. This is the first one I found.