It just gets worse and worse…

To quote some of the dumbest lines ever used too often in Doctor Who, “What? What? What? What?” Catherine Tate is set to return to the TARDIS for the complete 13 week run of Series Four of Doctor Who. from BBC.CO.UK Is this how Russell wants to get out his contract? First he destroys the … Read more

My new iPhone!

So I just happened to have $1198 (plus tax) lying around, so I thought, “Hey! How about a pair of matched iPhones?!” Or, actually, I just found this picture on flckr… that’s all I could really afford.


In what capped off a terribly awful episode of Doctor Who (Last of the Time Lords) was the surprise (to me anyway) departure of Martha Jones as the Doctor’s companion. Martha has proven to be one of the most competent and intelligent companions the Doctor has ever had and as such it’s been a real … Read more

The Peace Poles

There’s a movement, started apparently in Japan after World War II to plant Peace Poles around the world. Notwithstanding the efficacy of this approach towards actually achieving world peace, not too long ago they came to Taiwan. A group of Japanese went to certain important locations around Taiwan and placed these poles. One of which, … Read more

Have Faith – Not!

For a variety of reasons I rarely post on this sort of thing, but once in a blue moon I see something written that is so succinct that it warrants repeating. It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I am a dyed-in-the-wool atheist. (I put “should” in emphasis because every … Read more

RRS Feeds

By the way, I’m posting several entries that I started and never finished (for various reasons) while still in Taiwan. I’m back-dating them so that they fit chronologically a little more logically. In which case, if you’re reading this page on the website and looking at the top posts, you’re missing them. I strongly suggest … Read more

Long John Silver’s – Taipei

I admit it, I’m a long-time patron of Long John Silver’s. My family used to eat there in Tucson at least as far back as 1974. While it’s not completely 100% authentic English Fish & Chips, it’s not too far off the mark, and it’s been very consistent for the last 30+ years. (Remember, I … Read more

Rushing through Chiayi

Looking back through my previous adventures, I now realize that rushing through Chiayi and the train station is more the rule than the exception. On our return trip this time, though, we made certain that wasn’t going to happen. The train arrives Chiayi station at 5:00PM, the high speed train leaves at 7:36 PM. Even … Read more

The old zen master chef

Here’s the old man, thinking of food in his own contemplative way in one of his glossy adverts. And here’s his food, in actuality. Technorati Tags: Blog, Food, Taiwan, Travel